Before any expenses are incurred for meetings or other activities, they must be authorized in advance and limited to the items described below. For certain expenses, additional reimbursement limitations may apply and will be indicated when the expense is authorized by EERI.
Reimbursements must be on an EERI reimbursement form and signed.
Download the EERI Reimbursement Form (Excel file)
Within 60 days of expense, email your completed and signed form to
Email your completed and signed form or any questions to
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
66 Franklin Street, Suite 300
Oakland, CA 94607
If you are requesting reimbursement for foreign currencies, include the exchange rate on your form.
For your convenience and faster reimbursement payments, EERI offers direct deposit directly to your bank account. To set up this option, please fill out the Vendor Direct Deposit Authorization form and email a completed and signed form to
Download the EERI Vendor Direct Deposit Authorization Form (PDF Form)
- Travel by commercial/American carrier (economy fare) to and from meetings. Reservations should be made at least 30 days prior whenever possible to receive any available discounts. International flights must be made on an American carrier if it is for a project with a federally funded grant. Receipts must show economy class airfare with your name shown and proof of payment. No reimbursement will be made for travel redeemed through a frequent flyer program.
- Auto expenses will be reimbursed at the IRS allowable rate per mile when commercial transportation is not available. Rental cars and their authorization must be obtained prior to travel and will only be reimbursable when other commercial transportation is unavailable. Tolls and parking will be reimbursed with original receipts.
- Necessary taxi or public ground transportation will be reimbursed with original receipts.
Meals and Lodging
- Hotel cost at prevailing local standard rate (single), limited to evening of meeting and/or the prior night. All expenditures must be supported by original receipts with your name and showing evidence of payment (zero balance or payment type).
- Reasonable expenses for meals associated with a meeting/project with original receipts will be reimbursed. A maximum of $35 per day will be reimbursed without receipts.
- Cost of meeting room if required.
- Necessary telephone and fax charges specific to meeting/project activity.
- Necessary duplicating services specific to meeting/project activity.
Annual Meeting Travel
Officers, Directors and others specifically invited to attend the Annual Meeting may claim reimbursement for transportation, if necessary. Reimbursement will be provided for the nights before the Board meeting and the following night if air travel is unavailable or you are required to attend functions at the meeting.
Chapter Expenses
Examples of eligible chapter requests for reimbursement for chapter activities, include: out of pocket expenses for projects/programs, meals for chapter events, chapter contribution to a local student chapter, supplies for chapters, postage, chapter related software (such as chapter elections platform). All Chapter reimbursement forms must be signed by whoever will be receiving the reimbursement submitted along with written approval (email is acceptable) of the expense amount and purpose by the Chapter President or Treasurer. If the reimbursement is being sent to the Chapter President, then the Treasurer must approve. Likewise, if the reimbursement is being sent to the Treasurer, then the Chapter President must approve. All reimbursements over $500 must have pre-approval by EERI staff.
Other Expenses
Expenses other than travel may also be processed using the reimbursement form.
Policy Statement
EERI will reimburse reasonable expenses and does not wish to impose hardship on volunteer leaders. Recognizing that EERI funds are limited, however, leaders are encouraged to make use of other resources where available and try to combine travel for EERI with other business. Requests for reimbursement of expenses must be submitted within 60 days from the date the expense occurred. Requests submitted after 60 days will not be honored. Approved: December 21, 1995; updated January 7, 2015