Who We Are

Vision, Mission, and History

Who We Are
The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute is the leading non-profit membership organization dedicated to understanding earthquake risk and increasing earthquake resilience in communities worldwide. Our diverse multidisciplinary membership includes researchers, practitioners, and students in engineering, geoscience, social science, architecture, planning, government, emergency management, public health, and policy making. EERI has been bringing people and disciplines together since 1948.

A future where communities worldwide understand their earthquake risk and act to improve their resilience to earthquakes and other hazards.

Mission Statement
EERI provides members with the technical knowledge, leadership and advocacy skills, collaborative networks, and multidisciplinary context to achieve earthquake resilience in their communities worldwide.

Core Values & Guiding Principles

  • Knowledge Development and Transfer
    • EERI works at the intersection of earthquake research and practice.
    • EERI enables the acquisition and sharing of knowledge through earthquake reconnaissance.
    • EERI encourages both fundamental and applied earthquake research.
    • EERI supports the development and dissemination of cutting-edge practice.
    • EERI uses its members’ knowledge of natural hazard resilience to enhance its primary focus on earthquakes.
    • EERI transforms knowledge into policy and action.
  • Collaboration and Volunteerism
    • EERI creates an environment where members exchange knowledge and proactively join together to achieve greater impact.
    • EERI derives its strength from members who volunteer their time and expertise. In turn, members gain knowledge and connections through volunteerism.
    • EERI fosters shared commitment among the diverse communities of professionals dedicated to earthquake and natural hazard resilience.
    • EERI learns from and collaborates with other hazard communities.
  • Leadership and Advocacy
    • EERI inspires its members to serve their communities.
    • EERI helps its members enhance their leadership and advocacy skills.
    • EERI recognizes and celebrates leaders in our members’ professions.
    • EERI forges consensus and speaks with a common voice in public forums and to legislative bodies.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    • EERI respects and promotes diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise.
    • EERI recognizes and appreciates its members’ diverse identities as they relate to race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sex, sexual orientation, social/economic status, age, disability, religion, and more.
    • EERI engages and values the contributions of its members at all stages of their careers, from students to young professionals, from mid-career to retired professionals.
    • EERI creates an inclusive environment where all members experience a genuine sense of belonging and feel welcome and safe to connect, learn, mentor, and lead.
    • EERI emphasizes equity and inclusion in its decision-making.
  • Integrity and Stewardship
    • EERI operates with high ethical standards, transparency, and professionalism.
    • EERI develops professionally relevant and technically sound resources and tools.
    • EERI makes decisions and engages in activities enabling its long-term financial and operational effectiveness.

Core Strategies

  1. Accelerate advancements in the science and practice of earthquake engineering and related fields contributing to communities resilient to earthquakes and other natural hazards.
  2. Improve understanding of the impact of earthquakes on the physical, social, economic, political, and cultural environments that constitute our communities.
  3. Serve and inspire members to do their best work as professionals and within their communities by building multidisciplinary networks, enhancing their leadership and advocacy skills, facilitating mentoring and training, and disseminating technical knowledge.
  4. Facilitate multidisciplinary conversations that provide the humanistic, societal, and technical contexts needed to achieve communities resilient to earthquakes and other natural hazards.
  5. Connect and engage members and leverage their skills to achieve EERI’s vision, mission, and priority goals.
  6. Bring together researchers and practitioners and partner organizations focused on realizing communities resilient to earthquakes and other natural hazards.
  7. Foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in all EERI programs and activities.
  8. Expand and engage EERI’s robust network of student and regional chapters to enhance advocacy to communities worldwide.
  9. Identify, obtain, and effectively manage the financial and information resources needed to achieve EERI’s vision, mission, and priority goals.

2021-2025 Priority Goals
EERI will be centering its work for 2021-2025 around five goals. They are ordered based upon urgency and priority showing where the Board will be focusing its effort throughout the five-year strategic plan cycle.

The first three goals are envisioned as operational and foundational activities needed to create the structures, systems, and frameworks that are necessary to support thriving, member-focused activities within EERI. Thus, these are the highest priorities in the early years of the strategic plan cycle.

The last two goals are more programmatic and activity focused to enhance EERI’s presence and impact. Specific activities and outcomes for these goals have yet-to-be defined. It is anticipated that the specifics to support Goals 4 and 5 will be generated and refined with input and involvement from EERI’s programs, committees, chapters, and members-at-large, and implemented in the second half of the five-year strategic planning time frame.

Institute Infrastructure & Operations
Enhance EERI's infrastructure, operations, and revenue model
to realize its vision, mission, core strategies, and goals.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Ensure principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion drive all Institute decisions.

LFE Alignment & Adjustment
Adapt our vision for EERI’s Learning From Earthquakes Program (LFE),
aligning and radically adjusting activities to reflect the changing reconnaissance landscape
and the needs of our diverse membership.

Member Engagement & Dialogue
Reimagine opportunities for collaborative engagement and intellectually-stimulating dialogue
that amplify members’ multidisciplinary perspectives and interests.

Member Knowledge & Skills
Increase members’ technical knowledge and sharpen their leadership and advocacy skills.

2021-2025 Strategic Plan
On March 3, 2021 the EERI Board of Directors adopted a 2021-2025 Strategic Plan. This plan included the adoption of updated foundational statements for EERI , including the new Vision, Mission Statement, Core Values & Guiding Principles, and Core Strategies, shown above. The plan also included 2021-2025 Priority Goals around which EERI will be centering its work from 2021-2025, as shown above. The five goals are ordered based upon urgency and priority showing where the Board will be focusing its effort throughout the five-year strategic plan cycle. Read the full 2021-2025 Strategic Plan. (PDF)

EERI was founded in 1948 as a multidisciplinary national society of engineers, geoscientists, building officials, and architects dedicated to advancing the science and practice of earthquake engineering and reducing the impacts of earthquakes on society. The founding members came together from teaching, research, governmental regulation, and practice in engineering, and architecture with the intention to establish a research institution. These plans never came to pass. Instead, EERI functioned as a clearinghouse for research information and policymaking, with funds for research channeled to the universities. For many years, EERI remained a small, exclusive organization of scientists and engineers with an invitational membership.

In 1973 EERI opened its doors to applications from all who had a serious commitment to earthquake engineering. The number of members jumped from 126 in 1973 to 721 within five years, thereby providing a vital forum for communication among a wide range of earthquake specialists.

Today, EERI is the leading non-profit membership organization dedicated to understanding earthquake risk and increasing earthquake resilience in communities worldwide with thousands of members located in nearly every U.S. state and numerous countries around the world. Our members are organized into chapters, committees, and projects that conduct volunteer activities to achieve our mission, supported by a very small adminstrative staff located in Oakland, California.

A more complete history of EERI was written by Susan Tubbesing and Thalia Anagnos for the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
499 14th Street, Suite 220
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: 510-451-0905
Fax: 510-451-5411
Email: eeri@eeri.org

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