Table of Contents

News of the Profession

Welcome new members

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

Founded in 1948, EERI's mission is to reduce earthquake risk by (1) advancing the science and practice of earthquake engineering, (2) improving understanding of the impact of earthquakes on the physical, social, economic, political, and cultural environment, and (3) advocating comprehensive and realistic measures for reducing the harmful effects of earthquakes.

News of the Institute

William R. Lettis to Deliver 2017 Joyner Lecture at EERI’s Annual Meeting

William R. LettisThe William B. Joyner Lecture is jointly awarded by the Seismological Society of America (SSA) and EERI to those who have provided outstanding earth science contributions to the theory and practice of earthquake engineering or outstanding earthquake engineering contributions to the direction and focus of earth science research - together with demonstrated skills of communication at the interface of earthquake science and earthquake engineering.

The lecture honors the distinguished career of William B. Joyner at the U.S. Geological Survey and his abiding commitment to continuing communication and education at the interface between research findings of earthquake science and the practical realities of earthquake engineering.

We are pleased to announce that William R. Lettis (M. EERI, 1990) will deliver the 2017 William B. Joyner Lecture in Portland at EERI’s 69th Annual Meeting on Friday, March 10, 2017.  Registration and full program details are now available on the 2017 Annual Meeting website. This year’s theme is The Really Big One: Road to Resilience.

Bill Lettis is the founder of William Lettis & Associates, Inc. (1990) and Lettis Consultants International, Inc. (2011).  These firms provide consultancy at the interface of earthquake science and earthquake engineering. Dr. Lettis has characterized seismic sources for probabilistic seismic hazard analyses for more than 100 high-risk facilities at locations throughout the world, and in a range of seismic environments. His paleoseismic research on active faults has resulted in over 100 publications, and in guidance documents for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Dr. Lettis is a current member of the National Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment Steering Committee and the California Geological Survey Mapping Committee. From 1996-2008, Dr. Lettis also served as co-chair for the American Nuclear Society Working Group Committee 2.27 to develop evaluation criteria for assessing seismic hazards for nuclear materials facilities. He has performed post-earthquake reconnaissance of numerous earthquakes worldwide, including as co-leader of the EERI 2001 Bhuj Earthquake Reconnaissance Team.

Dr. Lettis’ current interest is in developing models to capture uncertainty in earthquake behavior and ground motion parameters for seismic hazard assessment, including implementation of procedures from the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC).

For more information about the Joyner Lecture Award, visit the EERI website at

For full annual meeting program, logistics, and registration details, visit the 2017 Annual Meeting website.

EERI 69th Annual Meeting Registration Now Open


EERI 69th Annual Meeting Registration Now Open

Join Us in Portland March 7-10

We are excited to announce that registration is now open for The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute’s 69th Annual Meeting to be held March 7-10, 2017 in Portland, Oregon. Sign up early to receive the best discounts


EERI 69th Annual Conference
The Really Big One: Road to Resilience
March 7-10, 2017
Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront
Portland, Oregon

Registration, full program details, and fees are now posted on the 2017 Annual Meeting website. Highlights of the program include:


  • EERI Distinguished Lecture by Lucy Jones, USGS Retired
  • Joyner Lecture by William Lettis, Lettis Consultants International, Inc


  • NEHRP at 40: Where We Go From Here
  • Learning From Earthquakes (LFE)
  • Setting the Stage: Why the Pacific Northwest Matters and Why it is Different
  • EERI-FEMA NEHRP Graduate Fellow Presentations
  • What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go From Here?


  • Case Studies in Seismic Design of Buildings
  • Long-Duration Shaking in Structural Design/Response
  • Challenges of Earthquake Design and Risk Communication for Pacific Northwest Projects
  • EERI Strong Motion Forum
  • Seismic Smorgasbord: Hot Topics
  • Translating Resilience into Community Values and Beliefs
  • Oregon Tackles Cascadia: Acting Locally
  • State of Resilience? Oregon’s Seismic Priorities
  • Liquefaction: Updates on the NRC Project on the State of the Art
  • Liquefaction: Cyclic-Softening of Low-Plasticity Silts and Case Studies
  • It’s Not Just About Buildings: Earthquakes and People
  • Community Resilience Inside the Tsunami Inundation Zone
  • Schools as Leaders in Community Resilience
  • Lifeline Interdependencies
  • Advocating for NEHRP Reauthorization


  • Reducing the Risks of Nonstructural Earthquake Damage (FEMA E-74) Training
  • Post Earthquake Reconnaissance Workshop (PERW)


  • Portland State University campus and the Infrastructure Seismic Testing and Applied Research Laboratory (iSTAR)


The deadline to submit poster abstracts and registration grants has been extended to Tuesday, January 10, 2017!

Individuals interested in participating in one of the 2017 Annual Meeting poster sessions are invited to submit abstracts by Tuesday, January 10, 2017. Presenters will be notified by January 20 of acceptance. Academic posters that target advanced research nearing completion and focusing on technology transfer to practitioners are encouraged. Practitioner posters that target innovative applications of research in practice or identified code-based needs for research are also encouraged.

Each author of an abstract accepted as a poster will be provided with an easel to display their poster. Poster requirements will be provided following abstract acceptance.


Thanks to support from FEMA, several registration grants are available to assist EERI student and young professional members to attend the 2017 Annual Meeting by waiving registration fees. Grants will be contingent upon participation in one of the poster sessions, either through the applicant's own research project, or as a representative of a student chapter with a poster depicting the chapter's activities.

For full program, logistics, and registration details, visit the EERI 69th Annual Meeting.

Submit Poster Abstracts here:

EERI Projects and Members Featured at the 16WCEE in Chile

EERI will be hosting four special sessions during the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, from January 9-13, 2016 in Santiago, Chile.  Members attending the conference are encouraged not to miss these sessions where they will learn more about recent EERI activities with Learning from Earthquakes (LFE) resilience reconnaissance, the World Housing Encyclopedia (WHE), the Confined Masonry Network, and the School Earthquake Safety Initiative (SESI). Members are also invited to visit us at the EERI Booth (S6) in the exhibition area.

EERI Hosted Special Sessions:

72SS: New Approaches for Conducting Resilience Reconnaissance
Session Chair: Rob Olshanksy
Monday January 9, 15:00 - 17:00
Parque Room

32SS: Non-technical Strategies to Improve the Seismic Safety of Housing in Developing Countries
Session Organizer: Andrew Charleson 
Monday January 9, 17:30 - 19:00
Farellones I Room

36SS: Global Implementation of Confined Masonry Construction Technology for Seismic Risk Reduction: Challenges and Opportunities
Session Organizer: Svetlana Brzev
Wednesday January 11, 15:00 - 17:00 & 17:30 - 19:00
Terraza Manquehue II Room

74SS: Advocating for Improved School Earthquake Safety
Session Chair: Lelli Van Den Einde
Friday January 13, 10:30 - 12:30
Farellones II Room

EERI Papers:

LFE/Resilience Observatory:

I. Almufti, C. Kroll, M. Mieler, H. Tremayne, A. Wein, Y. Xiao, 2017. “Measuring the Resilience of Businesses Following the 2014 South Napa Earthquake in California,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 2359, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

S.B. Miles, L.A. Ritchie, C.D. Poland, Y. Xiao, N.R. Hedley, 2017. “A Case Study of Earthquake Resilience Data Practices :2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Disaster,” Proc.,16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 2397, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

C. Welton-Mitchell, R. Awale, L. James, S. Khanal, 2017. “Investigating Community Resilience in Bhaktapur District and Surrounding Areas in Nepal following the 2015 Earthquake,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 2243, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

B. Lizundia, H. Kaushik, J. Kupec, S. Shrestha, C. Welton-Mitchell, 2017. “Investigating Community Resilience in Chautara, Nepal,” Proc.,16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 2522, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

J. Mitrani-Reiser, M. Mieler, H. Kumar, S. Shrestha, M. Germaraad, K. O’Conor, T.D. Kirsch, 2017. “Investigating Community Resilience in Nepal: A Healthcare Focus,” Proc.,16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 2124, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

H. Tremayne, M. Mieler, D. Martinelli, R. Olshansky, J. Berger, 2017. “Development of a Framework for Resilience Reconnaissance,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 2230, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.


L. Van Den Einde, S. Fatima, T. Anagnos, H. Tremayne, B. Welliver, Y. Wang, L. Tobin, 2017. “Creating an Advocacy Network for Improved School Earthquake Safety,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 1338, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

Z. Saiyed, S. Fatima, K. Izumoto, I. Robertson, B. Welliver, H. Tremayne, 2017. “Advocacy for Tsunami Mitigation and Preparedness of U.S. Schools along the Pacific Rim,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 4924, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

Housner Fellows:

C.D. Bou-Chedid, L. Maclise, S. Ali, C. Ash, D. Hutchings Mieler, H. Mdala, V. Rawal, K. Stillwell, 2017. "Improving the Earthquake Safety of Ghana’s Schools," Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 4924, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

L. Arendt, A. Hortacsu, K. Jaiswal, S. Shrestha, J. Bevington, F. Lanning, G. Mentor William, G. Naeem, K. Thibert, 2017. “Strengthening Building Code Implementation and Compliance in the Developing World: A Case Study of Nepal,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 2591, Santiago Chile, January 2017.

World Housing Encyclopedia:

A. Charleson, S. Brzev, K. Jaiswal, M. Greene, 2017. “Improving Housing Seismic Safety in Developing Countries: The World Housing Encyclopedia,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 1239, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

M. Ortiz-Millan, D.H. Lang, K. Jaiswal. 2017. “The World Housing Encyclopedia Online Database: A Resource on Housing Construction Practices in Earthquake Regions,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 2678, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

H. Imai, T. Narafu, K. Sakoda, Y. Ishiyama, Y. Kamemura. 2017. “A Study on Approach for Risk Reduction of Non-engineered Houses in Japan through Building Regulation System,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 1407, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

K. Mitra, 2017. “Improving Seismic Safety in Developing Countries: the Case of Urban Housing in India,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 1244, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

R. Spence. 2017. “The Contribution of Post-Earthquake Field Reconnaissance Missions to Improving Seismic Safety,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 341, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

Confined Masonry Network:

S. Brzev, T. Hart. 2017. “Confined Masonry Network: An Overview of Guidelines and Initiatives,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), 1825, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

M. Astroza, F. Andrade, M.O. Moroni. 2017. “Confined Masonry Buildings: The Chilean Experience,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 3462, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

J. Perez-Gavilan, A. Pérez G., L.E. Flores, R.Jean, J. Cesin, O. Hernández. 2017. “Relevant Aspects of the New Mexico City’s Code for the Design and Construction of Masonry Structures,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 449, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

D. Quiun, P. Santillan. 2017. “Development of Confined Masonry Seismic Considerations, Research and Design Codes in Peru,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 2883, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

T. Hart, J. Pazdon, L. Blaisdell, E. Hausler Strand. 2017. “Case Study: Design and Construction of Confined Masonry Homes in Indonesia,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 694, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

I. Bartolini, T. Schacher. 2017. “Introducing Confined Masonry in a Fragile State: The Case of Haiti after the 2010 Earthquake,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 4477, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

C. Davy, M. L. Blaisdell, K. M. Sinclair, E. Hausler Strand. 2017. “Seismic Retrofit of Confined Masonry Houses in Haiti: Lessons from Implementation,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 3888, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

D. Nacif Hartley, M. L. Blaisdell, J. Caballero, E. Hausler Strand. 2017. “Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit for Reducing the Vulnerability of Housing in Colombia: Development and Implementation,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 4200, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

J. Varela-Rivera, D. Navarrete-Macias, L. Fernandez-Baqueiro. 2017. “Experimental Study on the Behavior of Confined Masonry Walls Subjected to Out-of-Plane Concentrated Loads,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 295, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

L.E. Flores, J.J. Pérez-Gavilán, S. M. Alcocer. 2017. “Displacement Capacity of Confined Masonry Structures Reinforced with Horizontal Reinforcement: Shaking Table Tests,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 436, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

M. Diaz, C. Zavala, J. Gallardo, L. Lavado. 2017. “Experimental Study of Non-Engineered Confined Masonry Walls Retrofitted with Wire Mesh and Cement-Sand Mortar,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 2950, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

D. Quiun, P.  Mamani. 2017. “Cyclic Load Behavior of Confined Masonry Walls of Horizontally-Hollow Bricks Retrofitted with Wire Meshes,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 3099, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

L. G. Quiroz, Y. Maruyama, C. Zavala. 2017. “Experimental Assessment of the Cyclic Behavior of Peruvian Confined Masonry Walls and Numerical Modeling Using Genetic Algorithms,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 642, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

C. Porst, S. Brzev, J. Ochsendorf. 2017. “Confined Masonry for Resilient Low-Cost Housing in India: A Design and Analysis Method,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 3876, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

G. Torrisi, F. Crisafulli. 2017.”Computational Implementation of an Improved Masonry Panel Element,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 501, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

V. Singhal, D. C. Rai. 2017. “Strut-and-Tie Model for Predicting the Shear Capacity of Confined Masonry Walls with and Without Openings,” Proc., 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Paper 4605, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

More about the 16WCEE can be found at:

Save the Date: 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 25-29, 2018 in Los Angeles, California

save the dateMark your calendar! The 11NCEE and 70th EERI Annual Meeting will be held June 25-29, 2018, at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles.

The Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, on the 70th Anniversary of the forming of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, will provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to share the latest knowledge and techniques to better understand and mitigate the damaging effects of earthquakes and tsunamis. With the theme “Integrating Science, Engineering and Policy,” the conference will bring together professionals from across the entire spectrum of the earthquake community to debate a multitude of issues related to seismic hazard, risk, mitigation and public policy. 

This conference is being planned by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) in collaboration with the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC).  With numerous ongoing efforts in risk mitigation in the region that poses the largest seismic risk in the United States, Los Angeles and Southern California will form an ideal setting for the conference.  The conference will provide a unique environment to facilitate synergy between earthquake scientists, engineers and policy professionals from the U.S. and around the world.  This conference brings together professionals from a broad range of disciplines, including architecture, structural engineering, seismology, geology, geophysics, geotechnical engineering, business, public policy, social sciences, regional planning, emergency response planning, and regulation.

The Call for Papers is being prepared and scheduled for release at the start of 2017. Paper options will include both Extended Abstracts and Full Papers. As with the 10NCEE, the community will have an opportunity to propose Special Sessions. 

Please Don’t Forget to Renew your EERI Membership for 2017!

renew your eeri membership

If you’ve not already renewed your EERI membership for 2017, now is the perfect time!

All EERI members (except student and honorary members) received an email renewal notice on December 28, 2016. The email provided a link to your personal renewal page with options for selecting chapter membership and making a voluntary contribution to the EERI Endowment Fund.

You can also renew for 2017 on the membership website.

If you did not receive an email reminder or cannot login to your membership record, please e-mail Membership Coordinator Juliane Lane at

We hope you will continue to support EERI and renew your membership for 2017.

Together, we can reduce earthquake risk for our communities.

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Learning from Earthquakes

New EERI Briefing Video on the Japan Earthquake, “Damage to Highway Bridges,” Now Available for Viewing Online

The EERI Learning from Earthquakes Briefing Series on the April 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake is a series of 15-minute video presentations on various aspects of the earthquake. A new video has just been added, Damage to Highway Bridgesby Denis Istrati, University of Nevada, Reno.

After Mw6.2 and Mw7.0 earthquakes struck on April 14 and 16, 2016, 182 bridges sustained structural damage in Japan’s Kumamoto Prefecture (熊本県). The bridge damage mostly occurred along the Futagawa Fault Zone, with a few reported total collapses.

In this video, Denis Istrati (University of Nevada, Reno) examines seven of the damaged bridges, constructed between 1971 and 2001, and ranging from 47 to 867 meters long. While the earthquakes’ intense shaking was to blame for some of the damage, landslide-induced ground deformation also played a significant role in some of Istrati’s examples. 

EERI Briefing Video
The Kumamoto Earthquake video series also includes:

Ground Motions and Early Warningby Masumi Yamada, DPRI Kyoto University

Soil and Structure Damages under Extreme Ground Motionby Hiroyuki Goto, DPRI, Kyoto University

Societal Impacts: Sheltering & Volunteers, by James Goltz, DPRI, Kyoto University.

The briefing video is hosted by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute’s Learning from Earthquakes program.

The briefing video is hosted by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute’s Learning from Earthquakes program.The reconnaissance survey was sponsored by the United States Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), with support from:

  • Sheila Duwadi (FHWA)
  • Ron Bromenschenckel (Caltrans)
  • Jim Cuthbertson (WashDOT)
  • Ian Buckle (UNR)
  • David Sanders (UNR)
  • Denis Istrati (UNR)
  • National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management of Japan (NILIM)
  • Public Works Research Institute (PWRI)

Watch all the videos by clicking here

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News of the Profession

Links to Recent News and Views

10 recent stories, reports, or opinions from around the Web:

oneReport Calls for Improved Methods to Assess Earthquake-Caused Soil Liquefaction (National Academy of Sciences) A new report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, evaluates existing field, laboratory, physical model, and analytical methods for assessing liquefaction and its consequences. Read More external link icon

two2017: When Christchurch Finally goes from Recovery to Rebuild (The Press) 2017 is looming as the year Christchurch may finally break out of earthquake-recovery mode as major roadworks near completion and key rebuild projects get under way. Read More external link icon

threeOne in Ten Wellington Businesses Closed After Earthquake (NewsHub) New Zealand: A survey of more than 700 companies across the region by Wellington Chamber of Commerce found 62 percent were impacted in some way, with almost a quarter shut at some stage for building inspections. Ten percent, or 70 businesses, are still closed. Read More external link icon

fourOklahoma’s New Fracking Guidelines Aim to Reduce Quake Risk (Reuters) Oklahoma is imposing guidelines to reduce the risk of earthquakes caused by hydraulic fracturing in its oil-rich shale formations, the first rules in the state to target the controversial production technique... Read More external link icon

fiveSwiss RE Estimates 2016 Cat Insured Losses at $49B (Claims Journal) Earthquakes, hail, thunderstorms and Hurricane Matthew resulted in the largest insurance losses in 2016. Total economic losses from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2016 are estimated to be $158 billion, according to figures released by Swiss RE. Read More external link icon

six41,311 Houses Rebuilt in Quake Hit District (myRepública) Kathmandu: When there are no more than four months left for the country to observe the completion of two years of the Gorkha earthquake, the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA), the government body formed to carry out the post-earthquake reconstruction works, has said so far… Read More external link icon

seven Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake Hits off Chilean Coast (CNN) A magnitude 7.7 earthquake occurred off the coast of southern Chile Sunday, December 25, 2016, 40 km (about 25 miles) southwest of Puerto Quellon, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Read More external link icon

eightVancouver To Oversee Seismic Retrofits For Private Buildings (Times Colonist) A “dedicated” seismic project manager will be hired in the new year to oversee an earthquake retrofit initiative for private buildings, says the City of Vancouver. The project will “undoubtedly” involve multiple phases of work, suggestions from stakeholders across various disciplines and engagement efforts across the city. Read More external link icon

nineThousands of Vancouver’s Poorest Living in Buildings Listed at Risk in Earthquake (Vancouver Sun) In the past several years, a buildings in the Downtown Eastside managed by non-profit organizations have had seismic improvements thanks to a $143-million upgrade program led by B.C. Housing. Read More external link icon

tenWhere Risk and Resilience Meet (DJC Oregon) Architect Jay Raskin makes the case that seismic resilience is as important as other peripheral goals of affordable housing – and that as a matter of public policy, affordable units should be built to be habitable after a major earthquake beyond what building code requires. Read More external link icon

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Earthquake Spectra: Preprint Manuscripts

spectra 150 One preprint manuscript has been posted to the Earthquake Spectra website prior to formal publication. The paper to be published is:

  • Using Open-Access Data in the Development of Exposure Data Sets of Industrial Buildings for Earthquake Risk Modeling by Luis Sousa (M.EERI,2015), Vitor Silva (M.EERI,2014) and Paolo Bazzurro (M.EERI,2000).

To read all current preprint manuscripts posted, visit Earthquake Spectra preprints. external link icon

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Welcome new members

Welcome New EERI Members

EERI welcomes members who have recently joined the Institute. If you wish to connect with your fellow members, you can locate their contact information in the EERI online membership directory, which requires logging in to the Member Resources Area of the EERI website.

Manuela Davi, CH2M, Geotechnical
Ciro Del Vecchio, University of Napoli Federico II
Marius Vassiliou, Institute for Defense Analyses, Geophysicist

Curtis Siegfried, Degenkolb Engineers
Ricardo Roldan, Englekirk Structural Engineers, Structural

Nakhorn Poovarodom, Thammasat University, Geotechnical
Govind  Sangwai, Government Polytechnic Jalna, Civil
Gaurav Verma, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Civil

Hanen Alkadhally, McMaster University, Civil
Paul Genyk-Berezowsky, University of Toronto, Civil
Alexander Lee, UCLA, Civil
Anjali Mehrotra, University of Cambridge
Milad Souri, Portland State University, Geotechnical
Nour Al-Huda Tabieh, McMaster University, Civil

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Student Spotlight January-1-2017

New Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Student Chapter

New Pontificia Universidad

EERI is pleased to introduce the new student chapter established at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile in Santiago, Chile. The chapter has been formally endorsed by the University’s Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering. The chapter's faculty advisors are Matías Hube (M. EERI, 2005), Associate Professor, and Christian Ledezma (M. EERI, 2012), Assistant Professor. The professional contact is Juan Carlos de la Llera (M. EERI, 1997). Student officers include Patricio Zavala (Co-President, M. EERI, 2016) and Sebastián Aedo (Co-President, M. EERI, 2016).

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EERI Endowment Donors

EERI would like to thank donors to the Endowment Fund and acknowledge their recent contributions. EERI’s Endowment supports innovative projects that assure the Institute’s continuing leadership in the earthquake engineering profession.

The list below reflects recent donations to the Institute.

John Coil

Robert Bachman
James Jirsa
Anshel Schiff
L. Thomas Tobin

$100 - $250
Kevin Coppersmith
Ronald Eguchi
David Frost
Paul Jennings
R. Jay Love
Janiele Maffei
Joe Maffei
Jack Moehle
Jelena Pantelic
Richard Quittmeyer
Roger Sharpe
Sharon Wood
Beverly & Loring Wyllie

Other Amounts
Claudio Chesi
Kelly Cobeen
Craig Davis
John Egan
Tim Hart
Wael Hassan

Thank you for your support!

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  1. Open Google Calendar
  2. On the left, above "My Calendars," click Add + and then From URL.
  3. Enter the EERI calendar's address in the field provided. EERI Calendar ics link
  4. Click Add Calendar. The calendar will appear on the left side under "Other calendars."

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Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
499 14th Street, Suite 220, Oakland, CA 94612-1934 USA
phone: 510-451-0905 | fax: 510-451-5411 | email: | website:

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