66 Franklin Street, Suite 300
Oakland, CA, 94607
Phone: 510-451-0905
Fax: 510-451-5411
Email: eeri@eeri.org
At every stage of your career, we provide you with the resources and connections you need to succeed and make an impact.
On the basis of recommendations made by the Earthquake Spectra Editorial Board, the EERI Board of Directors has selected the paper, “Landmark Data Set from the Building Nonstructural Components and Systems (BNCS) Project,” Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 1239-1259, by Elide Pantoli (M.EERI,2012), Michelle C. Chen, Tara C. Hutchinson (M.EERI,1995), Rodrigo Astroza (M.EERI,2017), Joel P. Conte (M.EERI,1990), Hamed Ebrahimian, José I. Restrepo, and Xiang Wang (M.EERI,2010), as the Outstanding Earthquake Spectra Paper of 2016 (Vol. 32).
The Earthquake Spectra Editorial Board included the following statement in their recommendation: "Rarely do we see full scale testing, to the point of collapse, of structural systems including nonstructural elements. This paper sequence describes this undertaking from the design of the experiments through to the presentation and analysis of the data. The test sequence was essentially repeated twice, once with and again without seismic isolators. The authors present the data on structural response and performance, as well as the response of the non-structural components, which are linked do the structural responses. The authors describe this as a landmark data set, and I expect they are correct about this. The impact of the work is already evident from strong citations, which are among the top for this year in the journal."
Lead author, Elide Pantoli (pictured right) received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna (Italy), and her PhD in Structural Engineering at UCSD. Her research dealt with the seismic behavior of nonstructural components, with a focus on precast concrete cladding. She is currently working at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates in Emeryville, California.
The award will be presented at the EERI 2018 Annual Meeting to be held Thursday, June 28, 2018, at the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering in Los Angeles.
The EERI Board of Directors and the EERI Student Activities Committee is pleased to announce the winner of EERI’s 2017 Graduate Student Paper Award is the paper entitled, “Effects of Deep Basins on Structural Collapse during Large Subduction Earthquakes,” Earthquake Spectra Aug 2017, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 963-997, by Nasser Marafi (M.EERI,2014), Marc O. Eberhard (M.EERI,1990), Jeffrey W. Berman (M.EERI,2000), Erin A. Wirth (M.EERI,2018), and Arthur D. Frankel (M.EERI,1994).
Lead author, Nasser Marafi (pictured right), is a Doctoral Candidate at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington. He is studying the impacts and practical implications of an M9 earthquake on structures located in the Seattle basin and is advised by professors Jeffrey Berman and Marc Eberhard. Prior to attending UW, Nasser practiced structural engineering for five years and is a registered Professional Engineer in California.
The Graduate Student Paper competition was changed this year to recognize a paper published in Earthquake Spectra, with the first author being a graduate student. These papers were reviewed by the Student Activities Committee. For more information about the EERI Annual Student Paper Competition, please click here.
The award will be presented to the winning authors at the EERI 2018 Annual Meeting to be held Thursday, June 28, 2018 at the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering in Los Angeles.
EERI’s 2017 Undergraduate Student Paper Award has been selected: “Non-Linear Analysis of Three-Dimensional RC Walls under Multidirectional Loading” by Carlos Garcia (M.EERI,2018).
Carlos Garcia (pictured right) is an undergraduate student at California State University Fullerton who plans to continue his education with a Masters in Structural Engineering. In learning that his paper had been chosen the winner, Carlos said, "I really enjoy the design and problem-solving aspect of engineering, and working on tough problems that keep me up at night is why I enjoy research." The award will be presented at the EERI 2018 Annual Meeting to be held Thursday, June 28, 2018 at the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering in Los Angeles.
The purpose of the EERI Outstanding Student Papers Competition is to promote active involvement of students in earthquake engineering and the earthquake hazards community. Papers are judged based on their contribution to the field and their overall quality. Each paper is ranked on technical merit, clarity of expression, and relevance for the earthquake. To learn more about the student paper competitions, please click here.
Back to top >The EERI San Diego Regional Chapter is organizing these upcoming events to be held in late August. Special discounts apply when registering for both events. Registration is now open.
San Diego State University
Hardy Memorial Tower, Room HT-140
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182
“Using DEEPSOIL: An equivalent linear and nonlinear seismic site response analysis software platform”
Presenter: Prof. Youssef Hashash (M.EERI,1999), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thursday, August 23, 2018, 8:00am – 5:00pm
This short course will introduce the latest release of DEEPSOIL (V7) for seismic site response analysis (SRA). The course will provide attendees with a background on SRA and the development of the DEEPSOIL platform. It will cover the various modules available including motion processing, equivalent linear analysis, and nonlinear analysis with and without pore water pressure generation. The course will also include a number of hands-on exercises to gain familiarity with the development of model input and evaluation of analysis results.
Kenji Ishihara Colloquium Series on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
“Seismic Settlements”
Moderators: Prof. Julio R. Valdes and Dr. Jorge Meneses (M.EERI,2006)
Friday, August 24, 2018, 8:00am – 5:00pm
This colloquium series will focus on seismic settlements – the topics are oriented towards geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, engineering geologists, architects, civil engineers, researchers, and students. Speakers set to present at this colloquium include Prof. Jonathan Bray (M.EERI,1990) (UC Berkeley), Prof. Kohji Tokimatsu (M.EERI,1994) (Tokyo Soil Research Co.), Prof. Youssef Hashash (M.EERI,1999) (UIUC), Prof. Susumu Yasuda (M.EERI,1995) (Tokyo Denki University), Craig Comartin (M.EERI,1987) (CDComartin, Inc.), Stephen Harris (M.EERI,1986) (SGH), among other professionals and professors from the US and Japan.
Back to top >The RAPID facility supports and provides tools for the collection of perishable field data relevant to natural hazard events. On July 24-27, 2018 the RAPID will host a hands-on, intensive workshop at the University of Washington, Seattle, providing attendees with the opportunity to develop expertise in: using the RAPID equipment to collect data, processing the data, and integrating the data and associated metadata through the use of the RAPID software (the RApp) and DesignSafe.
A more detailed description of the training is provided on the application website.
To register for the workshop please click here.
To learn more about the RAPID facility please click here.
Questions? Please email Jake Dafni at uwrapid@uw.edu
The Canadian Association for Earthquake Engineering (CAEE) is proud to announce the 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering that will be held in Quebec City, June 17-20, 2019. This is the most important international conference on seismic engineering to be held in Canada. It brings together researchers, structural engineers, geotechnical engineers, architects, seismologists and regulatory bodies from all over the world every four years. The conference theme is "Improving Seismic Infrastructure Performance and Community Resilience." Topics include Seismic hazard, Seismology, Codes and standards, Seismic geotechnical issues, Seismic structural behaviour and design (bridges, buildings, dams, energy transportation lines, …), Seismic rehabilitation, Seismic mitigation systems, Societal impacts, Risk management, Dam safety, Machine learning applications for seismic reliability of structures and Structural health monitoring.
You are invited to submit abstracts through the submission system of the conference from now until September 15, 2018. Note that English will be the only official language of the conference. For more information, please visit the website.
Back to top >The French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, Ifremer, through its research work and expert advice, contributes to knowledge of the oceans and their resources, to monitoring of marine and coastal environments and to the sustainable development of marine activities, is seeking a Researcher in Geotechnical Engineering for a permanent position, full-time contract. The job is located at the Département Ressources physiques et Ecosystèmes du fond de Mer (REM) Unité de Recherche Géosciences Marines (GM) Laboratoire Aléas géologiques et Dynamique sédimentaire (LAD), Duty station: Centre Bretagne, Brest. Starting date: January 2019.
For more information including qualifications and how to apply, please click here.
Back to top >Seven (7) recent articles, stories, opinions, or reports from around the web.
East vs West Coast Earthquakes: Fewer Quakes but Bigger Stakes in the East (USGS News) Why was an earthquake in Virginia felt at more than twice the distance than a similar-sized earthquake in California? The answer is one that many people may not realize. Earthquakes east of the Rocky Mountains can cause noticeable ground shaking at much farther distances than comparably-sized earthquakes in the West. Read more
Papua New Guinea: Highlands Earthquake Situation Report No. 10 (ReliefWeb) The latest figures available from the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) implemented as part of the Shelter/CCCM Cluster response, indicate (as of May 28, 2018) that 11,761 households (approximately 58,300 people) remain displaced, of which 1,672 households are staying in eleven care centres while 10,089 households are staying with host communities. Read more
London Earthquake Risk: Scientists Discover Two Fault Lines Under Capital (The Telegraph) Researchers from Imperial College pinpointed the two faults moving between 1mm and 2mm a year, one running directly under central London and another under Canary Wharf. They say the chance of an earthquake is “enough to be scary but not fundamentally a problem.” Read more
Duterte Creates NCR Quake Resiliency Office (Manila Bulletin) The President of the Philippines has created an office that would ensure the resiliency and preparedness of the greater Metro Manila area (GMMA) in case a major earthquake strike the region. Read more
Global Earthquake Forecast Passes Test (Temblor) A newly-accepted study by the journal, Seismological Research Letters, analyzes the Global Earthquake Activity Rate (GEAR1) model, which is shown in Temblor. The test they conducted provides support for the model’s validity for worldwide annual earthquake forecasting. Read more
No Casualties Reported After 5.7-Magnitude Earthquake Hits China's Jilin (Xinhuanet) HANGCHUN, May 28 a 5.7-magnitude earthquake hit Ningjiang District, Songyuan City of northeast China's Jilin Province at 1:50 a.m. Monday Beijing time, according to local authorities. An emergency response mechanism has been launched. Read more
Machine Learning Could Help Scientists Predict and Control Seismic Activities (Engineering.com) Researchers at Columbia University developed a new technique that allows them to apply machine learning in studying vast earthquake data sets. Read more
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Fourteen (14) preprint manuscripts have been posted to the Earthquake Spectra website prior to formal publication. The papers to be published are:
To read all current preprint manuscripts posted, visit Earthquake Spectra preprints.
If you have questions about Spectra, contact Managing Editor Liz Stalnaker at liz@eeri.org
With only three weeks left before the conference, be sure to plan ahead to prioritize, strategize, and optimize your conference experience. EERI invites you to browse the detailed Program Schedule and Schedule-at-a-Glance for the 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (11NCEE), a milestone event in earthquake engineering. If you have not already registered, please do so now.
Throughout the week of the conference (June 25-29, 2018) you will have many options to choose from, including:
Please make your room reservation at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites as soon as possible. Our block of hotel rooms at the reduced rate ends June 1, 2018. Rooms may be available after the cut-off date, but they will be offered at a higher rate. Government hotel rates are available. Please contact us at 11ncee@eeri.org for assistance booking a room at the government rate.
For general questions about the conference and sponsorship opportunities please email 11ncee@eeri.org
Back to top >66 Franklin Street, Suite 300
Oakland, CA, 94607
Phone: 510-451-0905
Fax: 510-451-5411
Email: eeri@eeri.org
At every stage of your career, we provide you with the resources and connections you need to succeed and make an impact.